What is Timbering | Importance of Timbering | Timbering Methods

What is timbering

In this web you get details of timbering. What is timbering, Meaning of timbering in construction, what are the member used in timbering, Necessity and importance of timbering, Methods of timbering, how to make timbering and shuttering in trench and what are the precaution taken during timbering and different types of shuttering work. Like us … Read more

What is Under reamed piles | Advantages | Design Parameters

under reamed piles

Under reamed piles are one type of deep foundation. Under reamed piles are generally used in black cotton soil. Here we explain what is Under reamed pile foundation, the Advantages of under reamed pile, and disadvantages of under reamed pile, Types of under reamed piles, Construction procedures. IS Code for Under reamed piles: IS 2911-3 … Read more

Causes & Effect of Dampness in building

causes and effect of dampness

Dampness is a major problem of building. Here we explain what are the causes of dampness in building. Effect of dampness in a building. Which material used to prevent dampness in a building. we try to explain causes and effect of dampness in building very simple way, which is easy to understand. What are the … Read more

What is Ferrocement | Material, Construction Method, Application, Uses.

ferrocement why used

In this post, we share what is Ferro cement? how to make Ferrocement? a constructed method, application of its in various sectors, advantages of its, who invented Ferrocement? and so more. What is Ferro Cement? Ferrocement is a thin reinforced concrete structure in which the cement mortar mix is reinforced with a small diameter wire … Read more

What is Polymer Concrete and Sulphur Infiltrated Concrete, Types, Application.

polymer concrete and sulphur infiltrated concrete

What is Polymer Concrete and Sulphur Infiltrated Concrete, Types, Application?   In this web, we share the Detailed Study of Polymer concrete and Sulphur Infiltrated Concrete. It’s types like PIC, PCC, PC. Its application uses and how to make polymer concrete and sulphur infiltrated concrete. Also, describe which type of polymer used in concrete. What is … Read more