Effective Span of Staircase for design | As Per IS 456

Effective span of staircase as per IS 456

In this article, we share the details of effective span of staircase with different support conditions, described the IS 456 Recommendation for effective span of staircase and some terminology for staircase design.. So Please read the article till the end, and if you get any valuable information from this article then please share it with … Read more

What is Stiffness Modifiers – Value As Per IS 16700 & ACI-318

What is stiffness modifiers

In this article, we explain what is stiffness modifiers, why stiffness modifiers are used, what is the code provision for stiffness modifiers for beams, slabs, columns, wall, etc. So please read the article till the end and if you get any valuable information from this article then please share it with your friends. What is … Read more