About Civil Engineering Web
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Civil Engineering Web is one of the best civil engineering educational website all over the world. It is a One Point Solution for Civil Engineering Learners. We serve civil engineering all subjects knowledge and recent technologies information in the form of article, that we called Civil Webs.
Also, We share Useful Civil Engineering Resources like excel sheets, PPT, PDF, Problem Solutions, competitive exam notes, Books, gate exam notes, formulas and so more on this platform.
Civil Engineering Theory and practical knowledge in the form of articles is our strength and we also try to improve it day by day. We put our all efforts to share the latest information of civil engineering with our visitors.
Best Knowledge of Civil Engineering to learners in free or affordable cost is our main goal. And provide One Point Solutions related to the Civil & Construction industry is our Mission.
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Founder of Civil Engineering Web

Sanjay Singh
I am Sanjay Singh, Founder, and Author of Civil Engineering Web. I Completed my Graduation in Civil Engineering From Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya, Vidhyanagar, Gujarat, India.
I am trying to make the Civil Engineering web is one of the best civil engineering website where you get lots of educational information and the latest updates related to civil engineering free or affordable cost.
So, This is the Quick Introduction about me.
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