Permanent Roof Leakage Solutions – Best Chemicals

In this article, we share the causes of roof leakage, temporary and permanent way of roof leakage solutions, water leakage solutions of various roofs such as concrete roof, cement sheet roof, asbestos room, RCC Roof, etc.

Causes of Roof Leakage

The water leakage from the roof causes lots of problems in to the house such as, leading water damage, mold growth, leads the Painting and Plastering problems, and other structural issues. Here we listed the few major causes of roof leakage.

Damaged or Missing Shingles

Damaged or missing shingles can create openings that allow water to penetrate your roof. High winds, storms, and general wear and tear can contribute to shingle damage.

Damaged or Missing Shingles

Solution: If you have damaged shingles, you can attempt to repair them temporarily using roofing cement. Apply the cement under the damaged shingle, pressing it down to create a seal.

However, it’s essential to schedule a professional inspection and repair for a long-term solution.

Also Read: 7 Major Causes of Cracks in Concrete

Cracked Flashing

Flashing is the material used to seal areas where the roof meets structures such as chimneys, vents, or skylights. Cracked or deteriorated flashing can allow water to seep into the roof system.

Cracked Flashing Repair

Solution: For minor cracks in flashing, you can use roofing sealant or caulking to create a watertight seal. Clean the area thoroughly, apply the sealant, and ensure it covers the crack entirely.

However, for extensive flashing damage, professional repair or replacement is recommended.

Cracked Roof

Concrete or RCC roofs can crack due to improper maintenance and vegetation, among other factors. Even minor cracks are commonly present in concrete or RCC roofs. These cracks can lead to water leakage inside the building during the monsoon or when water flows over them.

Cracked Roof

Solution: For minor cracks in flashing, you can use roofing sealant or caulking to create a watertight seal. Clean the area thoroughly, apply the sealant, and ensure it covers the crack entirely.

However, for extensive flashing damage, professional repair or replacement is recommended.

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Clogged Gutters and Downspouts

When gutters and downspouts are clogged with debris, water can back up and overflow on the roof, leading to water pooling on the roof. This excess water can find its way into the roof structure.

Clogged Gutters

Solution: Regularly cleaning and maintaining your gutters and downspouts can prevent water roof leaks. Remove debris, leaves, and other obstructions, and ensure the gutters are perfectly attached to your roofs.

Improper Installation

Roofs that were improperly installed may have vulnerable areas that allow water infiltration. It’s crucial to ensure your roof was installed by a qualified professional.

Solution: Roof sealant can be used to reinforce vulnerable areas on your roof, such as seams, vents, or skylights. Clean the area, apply the roof sealant according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and create a watertight barrier.

However, this is a temporary fix, and professional inspection and repair may be necessary.

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Improper slopes of roofs

Improper slopes of roofs can lead to water drainage problems, resulting in water accumulation on the roof. The accumulated water then finds its way into the roof structure.

Improper Roof Slopes

Solution: To maintain a proper slope on the roof, use cement mortar. Start by removing any dirt from the roof and cleaning it with water. Next, mix cement with sand in the appropriate proportion to create mortar. Apply the mortar on the roof to establish the desired slope. Allow the roof to dry thoroughly, and then sprinkle water for optimal curing.

Concrete roof leakage solution

Concrete roof offers high durability, water, fire and thermal resistant. Even the cost effectiveness of concrete roof is much better than other types of roofs.

Concrete Roof Leakage Solutions

But, the chances of water leakages in concrete roof much higher due to improper construction, workability, and cracks over time. That’s why it is necessary to do proper maintenance of concrete roof to avoid such problems.

Here we listed the process to solve the water leakage problem from roof.

  • Find the exact area of the leak
  • Clean the dust and moss by using wire brush and water
  • Apply mortar
  • Apply a layer of waterproofing coat
  • Seal with paint

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Asbestos roof leakage solution

Asbestos sheets are commonly used as roofing material due to their ease of construction and cost-effectiveness compared to other roofing options. It can be leaked due to cracks or improper arrangement of roofing sheets. Here we listed the process to fix the asbestos roof leakage.

Asbestos roof Leakage Solutions
  • Find out the damaged area
  • If the most of the are of sheet is damaged than replace the full sheet
  • If a few areas of the asbestos sheet are damaged, such as having cracks or holes, they can be fixed using two methods: temporary solutions and permanent solutions.
  • Temporary Solution: To temporarily fix the cracks or holes, use aluminum waterproofing tape. Start by cleaning the damaged area and then cover it with aluminum waterproofing tape.
  • Permanent Solution:  To fix the cracks or permanently, clean the damaged area, apply the cement mortar to fix the damage, apply one coat of waterproofing material.

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Temporary roof leakage solutions

Here we listed the few temporary roof leakage solutions which fix the leaks immediately but always keep in mind that it is temporary way.

1. Polyethylene Plastic Sheets

Plastic Sheet Roof Waterproofing

Polyethylene Plastic sheets are and easy solution for small roof leaks such as crakes, holes, etc. You need to cover the damaged area by using plastic sheets and hold it by proper way to remain for long time.

2. Water Proof Tarps

If the damage area of roof is very large and you don’t have time to repair it by professional way, then use Water Proof Tarps.  Actually, it is very reliable temporary solution for roof leakage.

Waterproof Tarps

Water Proof Tarps allows you to cover the whole roof which ultimately act as a one type of temporary roofing sheets. Also, for more security you can used two to three layers of water proof tarps to avoid roof leakage inside the building.

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3. Roofing Taps

Waterproof Roofing Taps are the best way to fix the roof leakage. It is aluminum Material tape which has strong bonding with any type of roof material.

Waterproof Tape

It is used to fix the small cracks, holes and damaged area of roof to prevent the water leakage. In some cases, it is also used to cover the large cracks for immediate water leakage solutions.

4. Liquid Rubber Proofing

In recent time, Liquid Rubber water proofing becomes very popular because it is DIY Solution of roof leakage with high waterproofing ratio as compared to other material.

Liquid rubber waterproofing

In this method, you need to first clean the whole roof wire brush and water, then you need to apply the various coat of liquid rubber on damaged area. Liquid Rubber is easily available in market.

Permanent Roof Leakage Solutions

A permanent solution for water leakage always requires professional repair. It involves inspections and guidance from experts who can suggest the appropriate method to repair the roof leakage.

But here we share the process of roof leakage solution.

  • To permanently solve the roof leakage problem, you need to first clean the dirt and moss from the roof by wire brush and water.
  • Appy the waterproofing sealant on damaged area in various layer which is applied in visa-versa manner.
  • Apply the second coat of water proofing after some time to increase the chances of great seal. Second coat is also applied in same manner as first coat.

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Roof Maintenance to Prevent Water Leakage

Prevention is key when it comes to roof leaks. Regular maintenance can help identify and address potential issues before they turn into costly leaks.

Here are some maintenance tips to keep your roof in good condition:

Annual Inspections

Schedule an annual professional inspection to assess the overall condition of your roof. A qualified roofer can identify early signs of damage or wear and recommend necessary repairs or maintenance.

Quick Repairs

Address any identified issues quickly to prevent them from worsening. Timely repairs can extend the lifespan of your roof and prevent more significant problems down the line.

Keep Surrounding Trees Trimmed

Overhanging tree branches can scrape against the roof and damage shingles, and falling branches can cause severe roof damage. Regularly trim trees near your roof to minimize the risk of such incidents.

Professional Roof Cleaning

If you notice algae or moss growth on your roof, consult a professional for safe and effective cleaning. These organisms can compromise the integrity of your roof and lead to leaks if left untreated.

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Mostly Used Roof Waterproofing Product In India

Chemical NameChemical ImagePrice
Dr. Fixit NewcoatDr. Fixit NewcoatCheck Price
Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URPDr. Fixit Pidicrete URPCheck Price
Berger RoofguardBerger RoofguardCheck Price
Elephant Shield Liquid RubberElephant Shield Liquid RubberCheck Price
Waterproof TapeWaterproof TapeCheck Price

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1 thought on “Permanent Roof Leakage Solutions – Best Chemicals”

  1. This proves how important it is to regularly inspect the roof, and by following a simple checklist you can avoid many problems and save money


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